Material :

- Colored paper
- balls of blowguns or cotton
- beads, sequins (...) for decoration
- red felt (or paper towels)
- scissors
- glue
- Pattern to print


Preparation :


1. Print the pattern

2. Body :

By sticking to the back of the corresponding colored paper, cut out each part of the elf.
Roll the half circle on itself and gluing or stapling to form a cone.
Glue the hands to the back of part 1 of the arms, then paste the part 2 of the arm above the ensemble.
Glue the arms on either side of the body.

2. Head :

Cut a triangle in the felt or paper towel. The base of the triangle must be wide enough to go around the ball (= head elf).
Glue the base of the triangle around the ball and glue the triangle-shaped cone to the cup.
Draw the face of the elf.
Paste possibly a pearl at the top of the cup.

3. Assembly :

Glue the head onto the body.
Decorate the body of the elf sticky beads, glitter, stickers or other decorative element.